A New Year’s Column

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Every year I start the year inspired, motivated and determined. Or in just one word: hopeful! I’m one of those people who typically posts a picture on social media with the oh-so-popular #newyearnewme. And every year I start of great! But by the end of the year I’m just tired of everything.

However, this year’s different! Most of all, I’m just generally tired of getting tired at the end of the year and not maintaining any of my good intentions. Not saying I’m not enjoying the year, but as a 25-year-old I do believe it’s time to “make some moves” for my future, which is kinda already here… because I’m already 25… #quarterlifecrisis

Then, when school started again, the lockdown came back, winter visited, and I didn’t get to see any of my classmates. As someone from a tropical country, I have a hard time during the winter. I also discovered that I’m a lot more social than I thought I was. I might be an introvert, but I still love hanging out with people. I miss walking through Hoog Catherijne, while enjoying a snack from one of the many small restaurants at Utrecht Central Station.

So, when Christmas break arrived, I dropped everything and focused completely on “the most wonderful time of the year”. Intending to be fully recharged again for 2021, I made a couple of new year’s resolutions. Last summer I successfully finished a workout challenge, tried out a diet, and Marie Kondo’d the entire house. And it all went to shit when school started again, but THIS TIME it wouldn’t!

We’re already three weeks into January, so I can proudly share with you that I’ve already achieved some of my new year’s resolutions! None of them are finished, but that’s because they’re more of a process instead of just a result. Okay, so here they come:

  • Resolution: get fit and flexible again | Current activity: daily yoga
  • Resolution: be more positive | Current activity: the law of attraction
  • Resolution: lose weight | Current activity: counting calories and intermittent fasting (16/8)
  • Resolution: eat more consciously | Current activity: eat less meat
  • Resolution: make more music | Current activity: practice piano again
  • Resolution: make home “homier” | Current activity: decluttering the house

A little bit of inspiration!

We even bought their book!
Just a reminder of what really matters.

Not too brag, but I’ve been doing pret-ty good so far! Hopefully at least some of my classmates will get to “experience” this new-year-new-me at the end of this academic year. Did you also make some new year’s resolutions this year? Love to hear about them!
