New Year’s resolutions week

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2022 has begun! Like every new year, many people make a list of resolutions. Eat healthier, read more or take up a new hobby. But how do you hold on to them?

The first thing you could do is to keep a Bullet Journal. Instead of blank, lined pages, a Bullet Journal contains sections to make schedules, calendars or to keep track of your emotions and goals. If you make a fun page with your resolutions, it can motivate you to keep doing them. If you don’t want to get creative, you could download an app to keep track. Examples are ‘Loop Habit Tracker’, ‘Higher Goals’, or ‘Goalify’. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself and don’t set your aim too high. That way it’s easier to stick to your goal, which motivates and makes you feel proud. Small goals are easier to achieve than big ones, you can always make it more difficult later. And take your time! Think of your New Year’s resolutions as a plan you want to execute, and that goes through trial and error. Be kind to yourself : )

If you want to delve more into New Year’s resolutions and get more tips, register for courses in the ‘Week van de goede voornemens’. UU organizes this ‘New Year’s resolutions week’ to work on a good start of 2022. All courses are offered in both Dutch and English. With ‘Keep coping in 2022’, you learn about different coping strategies and you take the first step in your action plan to deal effectively with procrastination and perfectionism. With ‘More motivation in 2022’, you know what motivation is and what motivates you. After the course ‘Let’s talk about stress’, you are able to identify stress at an early stage and know why this is important. You will learn the difference between functional and dysfunctional stress and you are inspired on how to deal with stress. Besides, you have the opportunity to follow a guided meditation every morning this week via MS Teams. Or if you are more career-oriented, you could get some advice during a coffee/tea career conversation with Career Officer Sjoer Bergervoet.

Do you want to know more about the ‘New Years resolutions week’ or sign up for one of these courses? You can find more information on or on the flyer below.

