About Musicology

About Musicology

Musicology is a three year long Bachelor of Arts programme at Utrecht University, mainly focussing on Western musical culture, in historical musicology as well as the study of music and media. All members of Hucbald are students, alumni or people who have followed one or multiple courses in Musicology.

The first year

In the first year, you will study the history of Western music and music theory. This starts with learning sheet music and ends with making a full form analysis of a symphony. You will also learn fundamental academic skills.

Knowledge of music theory is not necessary to study Musicology, but it definitely helps. Click here for more information about the first year (in Dutch).


For your second and third year you will have to choose one of two “verdiepingspakketten” (immersion tracks): either ‘Historische muziekwetenschap’ (Historical Musicology) or ‘Muziek en media’ (Music and Media).

Historical Musicology focusses on Western musical culture from around the tenth until the twentieth century. This track prominently features Dutch musical culture, ancient music and postcolonial music. A more in-depth look at music analysis is also a part of this track.

Music and Media studies the relationships between media and cultural movements. The main focus of this track are the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, although earlier forms of media are also discussed briefly. In this track you will get a comprehensive look at film music, subcultures and ludomusicology.


In the third year, there is room to profile yourself. It is possible to follow a minor within the Humanities department, or from an entirely different faculty. It is also possible to do an internship or follow courses abroad. You could also follow other courses at the university, such as courses from the other verdiepingspakket. Usually, you will follow these courses in your second or third year, but these are not the only options.

If you have completed all courses, you will finish your bachelor by writing an eindwerkstuk (BA thesis). To prepare for this, you will first follow the onderzoeksseminar (research seminar), which lays the groundwork for this thesis. Click here to read more about the graduation process (in Dutch).

And then?

After completing your bachelor, you can either choose a master’s programme or directly get a job in the broad musicological job market: the cultural workfield. For example, radio or television stations, orchestras, concert halls, festivals or education. There are many different paths a musicologist can walk!

Click here for more information about the Career Services offered by Utrecht University.


In your first year you are assigned a tutor. This tutor helps you with planning your study any questions you have. This tutor is usually one of your professors.

Beside your tutor, in your first year you will get help from two studentmentoren (student mentors), who will make sure you will feel at home with Musicology and in Utrecht. You can ask them with questions about your homework, or for example where you can eat on a budget.

For more technical questions, for example about exemptions and handicaps, you can ask your tutor or the studieadviseur (study advisor). They have a good overview of all possibilities the programme has to offer. They can also help you with matters such as a dyslexia statement.

Click here for more information about the support facilities Utrecht University offers.

If you cannot find the answer to any of your questions on the website of Utrecht University or its staff, you can always ask Hucbald, as everyone has probably dealt with similar questions before.
