
On this page you will find everything regarding your membership. 

Linktree- registration forms for activities

You can sign up for most activities by filling in the registration forms. These will be shared with PR on the Instagram page and in the Hucbald Updates group app. Registration forms will also appear in the LinkTree. Below is a hyperlink to our LinkTree.

Annual agenda

Change data

Want to change your details in the membership database? Then fill in the form below again, and tick the 'change data' box. We will then update your details in the membership database. If this fails, you can always send an e-mail to


Er is iets misgegaan. Probeer het alstjeblieft opnieuw. / Your subscription could not be saved. Please try again.
Je aanmelding is succesvol aangekomen. Welkom bij Hucbald! / Your subscription has been successful. Welcome to Hucbald!

Hucbald Aanmeldformulier/ Registration form

Leuk dat je lid wilt worden van Hucbald! We organiseren iedere maand weer leuke activiteiten zoals de maandelijkse borrel, open podia, symposia en meer! Voor EU20 per jaar krijg je tevens korting op studieboeken en bij winkels zoals Plato, Broekmans & Van Poppel en Luca Ijssalon.


We’d love to have you as a Hucbald member! Every month, we organise activities like the borrel, open mic nights, symposia and more! Perks of being a member include discount on study books and stores like Plato, Broekmans & Van Poppel and Luca for only EU20 a year.


The WHATSAPP field must contain between 6 and 19 digits and include the country code without using +/0 (e.g. 1xxxxxxxxxx for the United States)



Ik ben al lid en wil mijn persoonsgegevens aanpassen

I’m already member and want to change my personal data


Ik geef toestemming dat foto’s van mij op de Hucbald social media, nieuwsbrief en website kunnen worden geplaatst. Indien je bezwaar hebt tegen een foto wordt deze verwijderd door het bestuur.

I agree to photo’s of me being posted on Hucbald’s social media, newsletter and website. In case of objection, the photo will be deleted by the board.



We use Brevo as our marketing platform. By clicking below to submit this form, you acknowledge that the information you provided will be transferred to Brevo for processing in accordance with their terms of use



At Hucbald, the well-being of our members is very important to us. Therefore, in addition to all our activities, we also offer the opportunity to contact our confidants. These are there for our members the moment they need a confidential conversation. This can be about anything. Do you have doubts about your choice of study? Has something happened between you and other hucbaldian? Or would you like to discuss something that is private? Then our confidants are there for you. So don't hesitate and get in touch soon. Our confidants introduce themselves briefly here.

Anne vertrouwenspersoon

Anne Goorhuis
Hii Hucbaldians, I'm Anne, 21 years old, and now in my third year of musicology. Should you find yourself with things, questions or problems this year, I am here as a confidential contact to help you with that. Above all, don't hesitate to send a message 🙂 .
Phone 0642679923

Siebe Urbanus

Ik ben Siebe, één van de vertrouwenspersonen waar je mee kan praten. Ik ben 21 jaar en ik zit in het eerste jaar van muziekwetenschap. Als je iets tegen me wil vertellen of vragen hebt, dan hoor ik dat graag. Het maakt niet uit wat het is :). Je kan me altijd mailen of een berichtje sturen. 
Telefoon: 06 11194718
Snapchat 287434537