At the moment, Hucbald has eight active (and two non-active) committees:
- Alumnico
- Educo
- Feestco
- Introco
- Herco
- Poco
- Reisco
- Siteco
The Alumni committee has its main focus on matters regarding graduated musicologists, for which we use the beautiful word "alumni". They make sure that the alumni can stay in touch with the study association. They organize the annual "Alumni-day", where alumni can meet each other as well as other students. This day is important for the soon-to-be musicologists to get a glimpse of what their future might look like. The committee also contributes to the so-called "company-day", where students can have a look at their potential future working field.
De Alumnicommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Ely Krakers |
Chair |
Noah Lefébure | Secretary |
Lieven Taverne |
Treasurer |
Annelotte Marechal |
Alumni member |
As the name implies, the Culture and Education committee focuses on organizing educational activities: readings, workshops, symposia, and other fun and educational things. The readings take place twice a year, the symposium once during Spring, and in between there will be many other interesting and fantastic activities taking place.
De Educatiecommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Amber Rutgers |
Chair |
Marjon Oolbekkink |
Secretary |
Esmee Bosman | Treasurer |
Noa Roele |
Commissaris PR |
The Party and Activities committee provides the majority of the fun and convivial acitivities of Hucbald. They organize annual recurring activities, like movie nights, a Christmas brunch, a Sinterklaas-themed drinking night, but also pub quizzes, and a night of karaoke. Thanks to the feestco, study association Hucbald is provided with all kinds of fun and pleasant parties and activities all year round, to escape the busy study life.
De Feestcommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Chair | |
Secretary | |
Treasurer | |
Chief location and logistics |
The Introduction committee provides a warm welcome for the new first-year students. The committee is responsible for the orientation days, the matching days, and other introductory activities. Ofcourse they organize the introduction camp: a week where many musicologists still have fantastic memories of! The introco really enjoys organizing all these activities. Together they ensure that all the first-year students quickly feel at home and in place within the study, but also within Hucbald ofcourse. Read more over here!
De Introductiecommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Sven van Unen |
Chair |
Esmee Bosman |
Secretary |
Luc Alebeek |
Treasurer |
Micha van der Veen |
Mentor |
Aniek Schuller |
Mentor |
Siebe Urbanus |
Mentor |
Zafir Toorop |
Mentor |
Jip Remmerswaal |
Mentor |
De Herdenkingscommissie heeft als grote taak het organiseren van het herdenkingsconcert dat iedere 4 mei plaatsvindt in Utrecht. De eerste activiteit die de herco organiseert is de koorworkshop aan het begin van het jaar, om leden van Hucbald te enthousiasmeren om deel te nemen aan het koor. Vervolgens beginnen de voorbereidingen van het herdenkingsproject en worden hiervoor stukken uitgekozen, een dirigent geregeld en repetities gepland. Naast het koor wordt ook een amateurorkest gevormd die het koor tijdens het herdenkingsconcert vergezeld.
De Herdenkingscommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Sem Schenk | Chair |
Caya van Toorn | Secretary |
Charlie Kersten | Treasurer |
Jikke Paternot | Koorcommissaris |
Vitto van Leeuwen | Orkestcommissaris |
Olaf van der Aart | Artistiek leider en dirigent |
The Stage committee organizes four open stage nights a year, of which one is a Classical stage night. The study musicology is not really focused on making music, so these stage nights are the ultimate opportunity to show your musical talents to fellow students. You are completely free to do or perform whatever you want: everything is possible, nothing is weird, and anybody can participate.
Besides individual performances there is also the so-called "Hucband"; these are members of Hucbald who come together a few times per period to rehearse together, and eventually perform something on the open stage nights. For example in the Parnassos cultural centre or at "Klein Berlijn". In short, beautiful and fun musical nights.
De Podiumcommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Janna Sprong |
Chair |
Sanne van den Berg | Secretary |
Hannah Pardede | Treasurer |
Siebe Urbanus | Chief location and logistics |
Hugo Sandberg | Chief PR |
De Reiscommissie is verantwoordelijk voor een van de mooiste tradities van Hucbald: de jaarlijkse studiereis! Ieder jaar vertrekken studenten Muziekwetenschap in de onderwijsvrije week tussen blok 3 en 4 naar een buitenlandse bestemming. De reisco regelt alle zaken voor deze reis: van de vlieg- of treintickets en het hostel tot de looproutes tussen de activiteiten. In voorgaande jaren zijn we onder andere naar Parijs, Budapest, Glasgow, Lissabon, Wenen, Madrid, Rome, Praag en Dublin geweest.
De Reiscommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Daniel Knies | Chair |
Aniek Schuller | Secretary |
Luc van Alebeek | Treasurer |
Lynn Dijkhuizen | Chief location and logistics |
Mees Houtschild |
Chief Activities |
The Website committee provides the content of Hucbald's website, and also keeps track of it. The members of this committee frequently post fun and nice articles on the website, and also keep it up to date. If you have an idea for an interesting rubric or fun column, you can reach out to one of the siteco members!
De Websitecommissie 2024-2025 bestaat uit:
Jikke Paternot |
Chair |
Lieven Taverne |
Secretary |
Luc van Alebeek | Treasurer / Technical editor |
Sasha Groep |
Editor-in-chief |
Noa Roele |
General Member |
- Hucband
- Fotogilde
De Hucband is een groep Hucbaldianen die het leuk vinden om af en toe samen te jammen en muziek te maken. Om mee te doen is het de bedoeling dat Hucbandleden aanwezig zijn bij de repitities en optreden op de open podia.
De fotogilde is een groepje enthousiaste leden die onze activiteiten graag vastleggen. Gewapend met camera's schieten ze de mooiste plaatjes, die gebruikt worden op onze website, sociale media en onze nieuwsbrief. Hun emailadres is
The Lustrum committee (lustrumco) is the biennial committee who are formed in the board year right before the lustrum year. The lustrumco takes care of all the lustrum activities and organizes a lustrum week. The next lustrum year will be that of 2025/26; in this year Hucbald celebrates its 85th birthday!
The Almanac committee (almanakco) exists in the lustrum year, and as the name implies it makes an almanac. This almanac consists for example of various photos of the previous five years, all sorts of different stories of (old-)members, and the member list.