English Publications

Essay uitgelicht

Musical Signs in Netflix’s Mini-Trailers

Searching for hours before finding something to watch has become even more difficult in the twenty-first century with the coming of streaming platforms. The variety and amount of films or series to watch has become the burden of the modern consumer. Not so long ago, Netflix introduced a sort of “mini-trailer,” that is made available […]

Musical Signs in Netflix’s Mini-Trailers Meer lezen »

Essay uitgelicht

The Unified Composer-Producer-Performer: How the Digital Age has Democratised Musical Composition

  By Manuel Gutierrez Rojas   [M]odern technology has [. . .] shifted the metaphor from exceptional accomplishment on paper by “composers” to exceptional accomplishment on hard disk by “producers.” Moreover, the producer and his machines are on stage, just as the composer was once a performer. At the top of the current charts, one increasingly finds

The Unified Composer-Producer-Performer: How the Digital Age has Democratised Musical Composition Meer lezen »

Essay uitgelicht

Contemporary Film Music Production that Changed the Hollywood Score

Soms ben je zo trots op een essay dat het pijn doet hem ergens in een lade te laten verstoffen of hem achter te laten in een nooit meer geopende map op je computer. Om voor deze essays toch een plekje te vinden, hebben we Essay Uitgelicht, waar we ze vereeuwigen op deze site! Deze keer:

Contemporary Film Music Production that Changed the Hollywood Score Meer lezen »
